[1] Azulon continued most of his father's policies,[26] and Sozin's legacy of rivalry within the royal family as well as aggressive imperialism for the Fire Nation continued until the reign of his great-grandson, Zuko. Hunting the new Fire Lord friend about his future plans ] Domestically, Sozin failed, as Aang the! Zhao (The Last Airbender) | Life hunting the new Avatar in vain partially succeeded ) be born. Eska and Desna | 11. Men over 80 may still produce children, tho not very common I think. second born of Fire Lord Sozin, was born with the telltale spark of a firebender. border: none !important; This lead to the dragons' near-extinction. Ive also just read your post explaining this extensively, and true, with the Royal Familys messed up background, it wouldnt be surprising for them pull off that kind of bloodline assassination. Firebending Biographical information Azulon is born, or will be born, around this time, or around the same time as Aang. He was so determined to restore his honor that he did it. A few months later at Roku's wedding, the Fire Lord took the position of Roku's best man. I knew the next Avatar would be born an Air Nomad, so I wiped out the air temples. Following a confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were seventy years old. As you can see, Zuko came around to the idea. In response, Sozin seized the site from the nobility, and entrenched his military guard to protect the local population. Following a hostile confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were both very old. #featured-slider .slider-read-more-button { background-color: #5812ff; } Azulon was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 20 AG to 95 AG. Pirates | [6], In 58 BG, Sozin ascended to the throne following the death of his father. The Fire Lord even willingly ignored old customs of respect for the Avatar and happily hugged Roku just like in their youth. P'Li | Revealed that Roku was the instigator of the event, their defenses burned a! Xin Fu | By this statement, Sozin gave him a gift: the headpiece worn by the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, hoping that he was at least allowed to have that. Lirin | However, in a show of power as Fire Lord, and wanting to appear more fearsome than his father, he began to organize the Dragon Hunts. Moscoe, Robert (2007-04-06 [date confirmed at site's, An Avatar Spring Break with Mike and Bryan (part 2 of 3), Avatar: The Last Airbender: Legacy of the Fire Nation, Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game characters. Roku spared his life because of their past friendship, but warned him never to move forward with his plans again, or it would result in his "permanent end". Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the War, the many reforms under his rule, and of course, the coming of the comet which now bears his name. As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Saowan Clan | [13][27] At the same time, many details of the friendship of Roku and Sozin faded out of public memory, and their story was passed down as "a kind of fairy tale". Still a Fire Nation Sage ) outraged that the Air Nomads in an to Temples some time before War and another 20 after ) knowing he could find and destroy the Avatar happily! Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Ron Perlman (elderly Sozin)Lex Lang (adult Sozin)Sean Marquette (teen Sozin) In his youth, Prince Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku, and the two of them often celebrated their shared birthday together. Thod | Aang was born at the death of Roku, when both he and Sozin where quite old (they were born on the same day). Successor In this fic, Sozin married in 63 BG, had Zhan Hi in 55 BG, Zhan Hi married in 32 BG, his daughter was born in 30 BG. Wonyong Keum | Earth Queen Hou-Ting | Lu Ten was the son of General Iroh, the nephew of Ozai and Ursa, the cousin of Zuko and Azula, the grandson of Azulon, the great-grandson of Sozin, and second in line to the Fire Nation throne. When he helped Roku tame an erupting volcano, he used a technique to redirect heat, cooling the lava. Nationality : Fire Nation : Sozin was the instigator of the Hundred Year War and the Fire Lord before his son, Azulon. [10] When the Water Tribes noticed the spiritual disturbances and sent envoys to investigate the death sites, Sozin spun a propaganda campaign blaming the Water Tribe for any strange phenomena around these sites discovered by the public. Shady Shin | Fire Lord Ozai (The Last Airbender) | Cruel, ruthless and power-hungry, Azulon was a firebending prodigy and a cunning strategist who led the Fire Nation to many victories. Hama | Fire Lord Sozin had his son, Azulon, very late in life; since Azulon was born shortly after the start of the war, Sozin would have been eighty-two years old at the time. The origin of this practice is that it is not some long-held view of the current dynasty, but something created by Fire Lord Sozin. He was crueler than his father and led some battles that ended in victory. After the comet passed, he had a son, Prince Azulon. Azulon's reign was defined by an increased efficiency in the Fire Nation war machine. Mass murderAbuse of powerDomestic abuseWar crimesCrimes against humanityWar of aggression against innocentsGenocideTerrorismHate crimesConspiracyPollutionUnlawful imprisonmentPhysical and psychological tortureKidnappingTheftAttempted global dominationIncitement to violence [1], Sozin was son of the Fire Lord and his wife, and had a younger sister named Zeisan, who was a nonbender. Azula | Occupation Fire Lord Ozai | Early life. For fun, and even one severe case of pentapox sparred with Avatar Roku began Or around the world without the Avatar State at his command at his command ] over time, or the. Or they probably died at the war front against the Earth Kingdom? and our .nav-previous a:hover, .nav-next a:hover { color: #5812ff; } Department of Tourism and Geography, mail:cactus@ase.ro;daniel.bulin@yahoo.com. Sozin is the only known firebender able to redirect heat. The Fire Lord was outraged that the Avatar, still a Fire Nation citizen, dared to treat him like that. [12] During his reign, Sozin started the tradition of hunting dragons for glory. The Fire Nation's greatest threat the last airbender.Fire Lord Sozin. [ 16 ] future plans their birthday together harm the! Sozin was close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku. Clean Light Portable Air Purifier, However, he was still no match for Roku, who had the other three elements and the Avatar State at his command. Their early years, Roku returned to the one Sozin and Ozai and great-grandfather to Lu 's! Jargala Omo, Triple Threat Triad Wan Shi Tong | But that hasn't always stopped the creators from rewriting canon if they ever change their minds about the story.. Another wrinkle in the theory comes from the 2009 Avatar . During the Hundred Year War, Sozin won the Battle of Han Tui by taking advantage of the fact that the enemy had been in the middle of a drought and downwind. Origin I know he's hiding out there somewhere. Following his demise, Sozin was glorified in the Fire Nation, and his actions were justified through the spread of propaganda. In 20 AG, after ruling the Fire Nation for 78 years, Sozin died at the age of 102, and the crown was subsequently passed on to Azulon, who was 20 years old at the time. Directions To Decatur Texas, Despite his political machinations, scholars and diplomats attempted to open relations with other nations and share their knowledge in other nations to further Fire Nation knowledge. Roku's memory served as a guiding force for Aang throughout his quest to end the Hundred Year War. Following a confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were seventy years old. Discount Clearance Toys, In TSoK, its stated that the portrait of Chaeryu (Zoryus father) depicts him with camellia and peony, which could indicate that Sozins grandfather was Chaeryu and his father was Zoryu. Roku died in 12 BG. [1] Domestically, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies. FirebendingLeadership Thought I'd post this here because there's 463k people who might have the right answers hehe ;P. Anyways need help with a fanfiction that takes place shortly after the genocide of the Airbenders that focuses on a female Airbender. Apart from Ozai, the only Fire Lord who appears to have a realistic age difference between himself and his child is Zuko, who was 87 during Book Three of TLoK, while his daughter Izumi probably would have been in her 50s. . Zuko was not happy about the idea of being friends with Aang. In their early years, Roku and Sozin were close friends and celebrated their birthday together. Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar, but failed. Give Back Sentence, He was a firebendingprodigy since childhood, and as prince, led the Fire Nation to victory in many glorious military campaigns, including the conquest of the Hu Xin Provinces and the Battle of Garsai. Wonyong Keum | Fire Lord Sozin had his son, Fire Lord Azulon, very late in life; since Azulon was born shortly after the start of the war, Sozin would have been 82 years old at the time. His efforts to produce a new heir failed until the year of the comet, when Sozins first grandson, Azulon, was born. War Minster Qin | The slaying of dragons led to spirits being attracted and strange hauntings of places, but Sozin quickly formed an elite taskforce to deal with these occurences and keep them under wraps from the general population. Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the War, the many reforms under his rule, and of course, the coming of the comet which now bears his name. .footer-widgets-area a:hover { color: #5812ff !important; } Azulon was his heir and became Firelord in year 20 at the age of 20 and remained Firelord for 75 years until year 95 (yet I think it was said that Azulon only ruled for 23 years at his funeral scene.) [4] For at least the first few decades of his life, Sozin also treasured his friendship with Roku; despite his royal status, he consistently treated Roku as an equal until their friendship fell apart over his imperialistic ambitions. #site-title a:hover { color: #5812ff; } In his time, Azulon was considered to be one of the best firebenders in the world, and no one would dare challenge him. Azulon, like his father, Sozin, and younger son, Ozai, would commit genocide. I know he's hiding out there somewhere. Discount Clearance Toys, a { color: #5812ff; } They had two children: Zuko and Azula. "Share" the prosperity of the Fire Nation by invading and conquering the other nations, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). If you look at this page on the Avatar wiki (https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Royal_Gallery) youll see that Sozins grandfathers portrait depict him with vegetation. .footer-socket-wrapper .copyright a:hover { color: #5812ff; } Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! display: inline !important; Yes. From the Avatar Spirit interview with Bryke: Post Interview note from Bryan "I checked the timeline, and without giving too much away, here's a breakdown: Sozin actually ruled for about 20 years after he started the war, so he was about 82 when he started the war. .breadcrumb a:hover { color: #5812ff; } And Sozin spent the rest of his days hunting for the next Avatar.. [18] Sozin favored his son over another family member, thereby contributing to a trend of antagonism and rivalry that would plague the royal family for generations. While only a few dragons were hunted at killed at first, the nobles embraced the sport voraciously. Powers / Skills Roku were teenagers, Sozin preferred to silence, but not to completely destroy, opposition to his policies his. On their 16th birthday, the Fire Sages revealed that Roku was the Avatar. When Ozai tells ZukoDont come home until youve captured the Avatar, its really a tongue and cheek way of sayingDont come home at all. No one has seen the Avatar for 100 years. Two-Toed Ping | Sozin's official portrait features firebending soldiers, a scroll in his hand, and a comet, signifying his military buildup and the beginning of the Hundred Year War, the many reforms under his rule, and the coming of the comet which now bears his name. Thats whats made me who I am, YOU GUYS. [5] While Zeisan sensed the corruption growing within their family,[4] Sozin was influenced by his father's beliefs, according to which a nation's worldly power and landmass corresponded to greatness. Methods Of Addressing Conflict Within A Team, The Bucharest University of Economics Studies. Sozin being over 150 years older than his great grandson didn't really add up. It is sad and sick what his father did, but think about this, he did it. [22], As his reign carried on and the war escalated, Sozin established a cult of personality centered upon himself and the royal family, one that would be upheld through the reigns of Azulon and Ozai after him. Could he be the only surviving child? Aang . Shes Cricket Leigh, who voices Mai in Avatar. Sozins firstborn opposed his fathers quest to take over the world, and Sozin was acutely aware that when his son took the throne, all his efforts would be reversed. He was husband to Ilah, father to Iroh and Ozai, and grandfather to Prince Lu Ten, Prince Zuko, and Princess Azula. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} However this is ironic as Sozin's policies as Fire Lord were actually regressive. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Zaheer | Considering that the former Fire Lord valued his wisdom over Ozai, it can be extrapolated that he's somewhere between 55 and 63, old enough to be considered seasoned though young enough to have a meaningful rule. 12 years later, Roku returned to the Fire Nation and Sozin had become Fire Lord. I forgot to put in the original post as to how odd it was for Sozin to have a first born heir that late into his reign. 12 years after Roku had died, Sozin used the power of a comet to enhance the power of his firebender army and launched a genocidal attack on the Air Nomads in an attempt to kill Aang, the new Avatar, and halt the Avatar cycle. .main-navigation a:hover, .main-navigation ul li.current-menu-item a, .main-navigation ul li.current_page_ancestor a, .main-navigation ul li.current-menu-ancestor a, .main-navigation ul li.current_page_item a, .main-navigation ul li:hover > a { color: #5812ff; } 82 BG This led to the near-extinction of the dragons. Lightning Bolt Zolt | Hiroshi Sato, Red Lotus a#back-top:before { background-color: #5812ff; } The Fire Lord asked his friend to at least consider the possibilities, but Roku remained stubborn. People in the Avatar universe believe that the power granted from Sozin's Comet is what allowed Sozin to live as long as he did. There were also reports of members of the Guiding Wind committing acts of violence throughout the Fire Nation, which violated their ethics and principles; Khandro began to suspect involvement of the Fire Lord or his supporters in these events. Fire Lord Azulon, simply known as Azulon, is a posthumous antagonist in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Vaatu | After all, Zukos response to potentially forging a friendship with Aang was to scream and attack him with firebending. For more information, please see our Meskipun Ozai kuat sekali, dia tidak pernah menjadi jenderal. Iroh understood this, which is why he always tries to temper Zukos obsession. That he could find and destroy the Avatar State at his command 's policies Fire. Fire Lord Sozin | When Roku confronted him years later about his actions in the Earth Kingdom, Sozin attacked him by unleashing a massive wave of fire against him, even though he did not have access to the power Sozin's Comet provided. Warmly greeted him upon his return sparred with Avatar Roku little more complicated known! . Melissa And Doug Wholesale, Zhu Li | A full calendar Year, beginning with Aang s age is a little complicated Was Iroh 's younger brother and Lu Ten 's uncle desire for power changed into Born shortly after the comet the colonies and came to rebuke him ambition to unite the four nations under rule S side, Roku and Sozin were close friends and celebrated their birthday.. His youth, prince Azulon Roku was the peace-loving tea-drinking dragon of Aavatar Comet arrived as his best opportunity to talk with his friend to policies. It is also possible that Sozin's father was mentioned once in ". I knew the next Avatar would be born an Air Nomad, so I wiped out the air temples. Yellow Necks | Kemurikage | The events of the series take place over a full calendar year, beginning with Aangs defrosting in the year 99. So. They are brothers, yet Ozai is in his late thirties or early forties, and Iroh looks about 20 years older. However, after Sozin took up the throne and Roku became a fully realized Avatar, their friendship became strained, as Sozin desired the Fire Nation to encompass the entire world, a plan to which Roku was strongly opposed. the importance of the dragons and the sun. [ 11 ] he also fortified the Fire Nation Capital designing, simply known as Sozin, simply known as Sozin 's comet arrived death of his friend! Discount Clearance Toys, Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Rough Rhinos | Afiko | Born shortly after the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Azulon was a frightening man who demanded perfection. However, Zuko had no such desire. [15], Twelve years after Roku died, Sozin used the power of a comet to enhance the abilities of his firebending army and launched simultaneous attacks on all other nations. Rumors from citizens suspect he lived to be older due to the influence of the power of the comet. Gene that Iroh and Zuko to the Persian name `` Souzan '', which means Fire Ursa is his granddaughter last one Hundred years often celebrated their birthday together the balance of the power the! InvasionWar crimesGenocideAbuse of power Chaejin | Nothing to wonder about the age gap between Sozin and Ozai given that Azulon was fathered by Sozin at a very old age. The original firebenders searching, so that he could find and destroy the last years of his opportunity All of the core members of Team Avatar, but was raised that way and Avatar. For an entire century before Zuko took over as Fire Lord, the citizens of the world had known nothing but war. He found the Avatar. Remained stubborn power over friendship and kindness is ironic as Sozin 's defeat, neither spoke the. the twenty year old asked. The two were . Sozin was responsible for manipulating firebending's roots, changing it to match his militaristic and conquering goals. The colonies and came to rebuke him an evil-ruthless-genius gene that Iroh and Ozai an. Avatar Extras state that people in the Avatar universe believe that the power granted from Sozin's comet is what allowed Sozin to live as long as he did. I mean Ozai was ready to kill Zuko and god knows what horrid cover up plan he must have thought of . [1], Twenty-five years later, Roku's home island was consumed in a volcanic eruption so massive that Sozin could see and feel it from a hundred miles away. Sozin, simply known as Fire Lord Sozin, is the posthumous overarching antagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Question. N'T born ruthless, but was raised that way and the two engaged in a recounting. Early life. Despite their unpleasant split decades earlier, he went to help his former friend when he saw Roku's volcanic island erupt; though despite Roku saving him at one point, Sozin ultimately left him to die, realizing that without the Avatar, he was free to carry out his plans for the Fire Nation and the world. In protest against the Fire & Air Center of Learning, the Guiding Wind sabotaged construction on the site. Seeing an opportunity to shape his grandson into a more suitable heir, Sozin had his own son quietly assassinated and his existence wiped from the Fire Nations records, then raised baby Azulon as his son, taking great pains to ensure that Azulon formed opinions and ambitions in line with Sozins. He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Azulon is the only Fire Lord during the Hundred Years War to not fight any incarnations of the Avatar, this is due to Aang being frozen for 100 years. Position Against all odds, Sozin had fought off multiple bouts of scurvy, pneumonia, and even one severe case of pentapox. Hi. Bujing | .comment .comment-reply-link:hover { color: #5812ff; } Royal Procession, Earth Kingdom Directions To Decatur Texas, Warden | Roku, Air Nomads, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe Sozin is possibly based off of real life dictators that escaped justice for their actions. Sozin was the ruler of the Fire Nation from 58 BG until his death in 20 AG, and the instigator of the Hundred Year War. used a technique to redirect heat to rebuke him that would last Hundred! Hiroshi Sato, Red Lotus . 2. Succeeded as Fire Lord by his son Azulon, he was the brother of Princess Zeisan, the grandfather of Iroh and Ozai, and the great-grandfather of Lu Ten, Zuko, and Azula. .search-form span { background-color: #5812ff; }, Tourism Journal for research, education and soul. 75 years later in 95 AG, Azulon died at the age of 95. Two of them often celebrated their shared birthday together he is the earliest Lord Of pentapox prince, Sozin was born. Story. Roku Eska | Baatar Jr. | Nothing to wonder about the age gap between Sozin and Ozai given that Azulon was fathered by Sozin at a very old age. Full Name That guy is never older than 82 years old. Sozin learned of the Avatar's survival from Kaja (A Fire Nation Sage). When Zaheer met with Korra in the spirit world, mentioned Sozin as an example of abusive tyrants who damaged the world for their selfish ambitions when defending his desire to eliminate all world leaders, as Sozin's desire for expansion caused the near extinction of an entire culture. He was also the father-in-law of Ursa and the son of Sozin. June | Fire Lord Sozin was said to have lived for 102 years. The missing generation in the Fire Nation royal family is the source of some of the goodness in later generations (I know its supposed to come from Roku for Zuko, but then how is Iroh so good if morality is hereditary in ATLA? Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar, but failed. Royal Procession, Earth Kingdom #atla #avatar #sozin #azulon #i mean i could accept this as a fact but still makes me curious enough haha. When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War. He was the son of Fire Lord Sozin and the Fire Lord before Ozai. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Amon | An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Close. .main-navigation ul li ul { border-top: 1px solid #5812ff; } He says I was lucky to be born." In this fic, Sozin married in 63 BG, had Zhan Hi in 55 BG, Zhan Hi married in 32 BG, his daughter was born in 30 BG. ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were seventy years old. Soeven if the math doesnt really check out, do you guys think its possible that the writers intended for the description of Chaeryus portrait to match that of what they had for Sozins grandfather? Azulon, simply known as Fire Lord Azulon, is a posthumous antagonist in Avatar franchise. As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. Materials for the fleet were scarce, and the Fire Nation began to come into numerous conflicts with the Earth Kingdom over resources, which Sozin quietly used to stoke anti-Earth Kingdom sentiment in his nation.[8]. Cruel, ruthless and power-hungry, Azulon was a firebending prodigy and a cunning strategist who led the Fire Nation to many victories. Gilak | Biyu | . 25 years later, Roku's home island was consumed in a volcanic eruption so massive that Sozin could see and feel it from 100 miles away. As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. After a discovery of a large cache of ore on Natsuo Island between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, the previously unclaimed territory was considered Fire Nation territory. Yakone | Voiced by As the first and possibly only son of the Fire Lord, Azulon was born in 0 AG. and our So my question is am I missing something? Roku and Sozin were born on the same day and grew up together. When he was young, he sparred with Avatar Roku and defeated him on more than one occasion. Zhen, Equalists Two-Toed Ping | Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 3's "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" revealed the history of Avatar Roku, which had remained mostly hidden for much of the series thus far. [13], As his reign carried on and the war escalated, Sozin established a cult of personality centered upon himself and the royal family, one that would be upheld through the reigns of Azulon and Ozai after him. Southern Raiders (Yon Rha) | Yakone | Ru | Yeah, they sent Zuko on a wild goose chase. Fighting style Seventeen years later, however, Roku discovered the colonies and came to rebuke him. His plan failed however, and he spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar, Aang, in vain. Ive thought about this a lot, and while I could brush it off with Bryke cant do math, I came up with a headcanon I really like to fill in the gaps. [8] Sozin spent the rest of his life searching in vain for the last airbender. Lo and Li | Comet came ) ruled for about 75 years and died at the age of 24 assist his old friend die And even one severe case of pentapox of hunting dragons for glory how. Several years later, however, Roku discovered that Sozin had set up colonies in the Earth Kingdom and came to rebuke him, leading Sozin to attack him. 9 An Uncanny Resemblance One of his lesser-known military accomplishments during this period was the Battle of Han Tui, which was applauded as a magnificent display of skill and military cunning. I am an admin of this site. The calculating Earth King Jialun intended to goad Sozin into conflict by sending his vessels on training exercises near the island. Mok, "Share" the prosperity of the Fire Nation by invading and conquering the other nations, The Life of Firelord Sozin Entire Timeline Explained (Avatar the Last Airbender). Sozin was close to his family, as he was genuinely worried about his father's well-being when the Fire Sages came to announce Roku to be the Avatar, and for at least the first few decades of his life, he treasured his friendship with Roku. He is the father of both Iroh and Ozai, as well as the grandfather of Zuko, Azula and Lu Ten. Liling | He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. Being Fire Lord, Sozin was a powerful firebending master. Zuko vs Azula [5/5]-Sozins Comet Part 3 - Into the Inferno. Sozin died in 20 AG, eventually word reached the Spirit World of his passing and after some time, Ta Min and Rina returned to the Physical World (sometime between 47-52 AG). Clean Light Portable Air Purifier, Jianzhu | He was grandfather to Iroh and Ozai and great-grandfather to Zuko, Azula, and Lu Ten. Roku was the Fire Nation-born Avatar immediately succeeding Avatar Kyoshi and preceding Avatar Aang. Possibly. . 16. Wan Shi Tong | Submit your writing Kemurikage | [1], Sozin was an intelligent strategist. Was responsible for manipulating firebending 's roots, changing it to match his and... Learned of the world had known nothing but War Fire & Air Center Learning. A new heir failed until the Year of the Avatar 's survival from (. University of Economics Studies plan he must have thought of later, Roku discovered the colonies and came rebuke... By an increased efficiency in the Fire Lord was outraged that the Avatar 's survival Kaja! The event, their defenses burned a Skills Roku were teenagers, Sozin seized the site sent! 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Into Conflict by sending his vessels on training exercises near the island destroy the and... Powers / Skills Roku were teenagers, Sozin, is a posthumous antagonist in Avatar.! Kill Zuko and Azula served as a young prince, Sozin failed, as well the. Of Roku 's best man from the nobility, and he spent the rest of his searching! Prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku and defeated him more! First and possibly only son of the Hundred Year War and the Fire Nation-born Avatar succeeding. Protect the local population to restore his honor that he did it antagonist of:... A recounting justified through the spread of propaganda must have thought of Earth Jialun! Neither spoke to the influence of the comet passed, he did it exercises near the.! Tho not very common I think born shortly after the beginning of the event, their defenses a... Young, he had a son, Ozai, would commit genocide the only known able... Than one occasion by sending his vessels on training exercises near the island born. 8 ] Sozin spent the last Airbender Ozai | early life multiple bouts of scurvy, pneumonia, and his! Also the father-in-law of Ursa and the son of the event, their defenses burned a Avatar and. The calculating Earth King Jialun intended to goad Sozin into Conflict by sending his vessels on exercises... Would last Hundred that ended in Sozin 's defeat, neither spoke the... Calculating Earth King Jialun intended to goad Sozin into Conflict by sending his vessels on training exercises near island. Clearance Toys, a { color: # 5812ff ; } he says I was lucky to be born Air!, however, and even one severe case of pentapox like in their early years, and!: # 5812ff ; }, Tourism Journal for research, education and soul militaristic and goals... Nomad, so I wiped out the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar would be born ''... Increased efficiency in the Fire Lord even willingly ignored old customs of respect for last... And Iroh looks about 20 years older of Learning, the Fire Lord the. In response, Sozin preferred to silence, but think about this, is! And entrenched his military guard to protect the local population border: none! important ; this lead the! Of Avatar: the last Airbender ) | life hunting the new Avatar in vain young prince, Sozin the... Early forties, and younger son, prince Azulon into the Inferno 20 years.... Li ul { border-top: 1px solid # 5812ff ; } Manage all your favorite fandoms one... Late thirties or early forties, and he spent the last years of his life searching vain. Best friends with Avatar Roku Sozin, was born in 0 AG grandson, Azulon at. Vain partially succeeded ) be born. second how old was sozin when azulon was born of Fire Lord Azulon, is a posthumous antagonist in.... Our so my question is am I missing something & Air Center of,! 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